ConnectionsDocker Registry

1. Adding Credentials to the Platform

  1. Navigate to the Connections Page

    • On the Connections page, you will see a card for Docker Registry (or a similarly named card).
    • This connection type lets you add credentials for various container registries, including Azure Container Registry (ACR).
  2. Locate the Docker Registry Credential Card

    • Find the card labeled Docker Registry.
    • This card supports multiple providers (e.g., DockerHub, GCP, AWS ECR, Azure ACR).
  3. Click “Connect”

    • Clicking the Connect button opens the Create Docker Registry Credential form, where you can enter the details for your specific container registry.
  4. Select Azure Container Registry

    • In the Details section, locate the field Docker Repo Provider.
    • From the dropdown, choose Azure (or “Azure ACR,” depending on your platform’s labeling). This will reveal any Azure-specific fields you need to fill in.
  5. Complete the Form & Submit

    • Provide the requested information in Metadata and Details (see below).
    • Click Submit once you have entered all required fields.

2. Form Details (Azure-Specific Fields)

When Docker Repo Provider is set to Azure, you may see one or more Azure-specific fields, in addition to the Metadata section. Below is an example of how these fields might appear and what they represent. img.png

2.1 Metadata

  1. Name
    • Description: A friendly or descriptive name for this Docker Registry Credential.
    • Purpose: Helps you distinguish this registry credential from others in your environment.
    • Example: “Prod-ACR-Credential” or “Dev-Azure-Registry”

2.2 Details (Azure)

Once you have selected Azure (or “Azure ACR”) under Docker Repo Provider, you may see fields such as:

  1. Azure Container Registry Name

    • Description: The name of your Azure Container Registry instance (e.g., mycompanyacr).
    • Purpose: Specifies which ACR instance you want to use for pulling/pushing images.
    • How to Obtain:
      • Sign in to the Azure Portal.
      • Navigate to Container Registries and select your registry.
      • Copy the Login server name (often <registryName> or the Registry name, depending on how your platform expects it.
  2. Azure Service Principal (Client) ID

    • Description: The Client ID of the Service Principal (SP) that has permission to access your Azure Container Registry.
    • Purpose: Authenticates as a specific “application” or “service principal” when interacting with your registry.
    • How to Obtain:
      1. Go to Azure Active DirectoryApp registrations in the Azure Portal.
      2. Select or create the application you are using to access ACR.
      3. Copy the Application (client) ID.
  3. Azure Service Principal (Client) Secret

    • Description: The password or secret corresponding to the Service Principal’s Client ID.
    • Purpose: Authenticates your Service Principal so it can push/pull images to/from your ACR.
    • How to Obtain:
      1. Still under App registrations, open your application’s Certificates & secrets.
      2. Create or view an existing Client Secret (the secret is only visible once).
      3. Copy and paste it here.
  4. Azure Tenant ID (Sometimes Required)

    • Description: The directory (tenant) ID under which your Service Principal is registered.
    • Purpose: Identifies which Azure Active Directory your application belongs to.
    • How to Obtain:
      • In Azure Active DirectoryProperties, copy the Tenant ID.